Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Svetovna inovacija: Avtomobili prihodnosti z motorji v kolesih

Andrej Detela and Gorazd Lampič develop state of the art brushless electric motor , which will enable a revolution in the automotive industry - the faster development of hybrid and electric vehicles .
Company Elaphe in collaboration with JSI and Iskra Avtoelektrika already tested the second prototype electric motor for direct drive. Long-term Andrej Detela and Gorazd Lampič with his invention measured in the global automotive market . However, they also participated in the development of electric glider Pipistrel Taurus .

Development trends in the global automotive industry is directed towards cheaper , more economical and cleaner hybrid and electric vehicles . Andrej Detela , head of development of electric Jozef Stefan Institute ( IJS ) , has already started a decade ago with the development of electric motors for direct drive , making it possible to drive electric vehicles and should be equipped his bike with the car . Three years ago he joined a development project Gorazd Lampič .

Game competition
Lampič explains that the concept of direct drive , in which Elaphe with its partners invested several hundred thousand enable faster deployment of hybrids and hydrogen technologies and fuel cells . However, Slovenian inventor is not singular to develop this so-called ' in- wheel ' electric motor . This intensive work is already Toyota , GM , Mitsubishi and Peugeot . " That's good , because for us this additional assurance that the project makes sense to invest a lot of knowledge , time and resources . , And we believe that we are at the moment due to the integrated approach and years of experience ahead of the competition . "

First of all engines for light vehicles
Detela in addition to plans and prototypes with Gorazd Lampič developed a new method of optimizing the propulsion system of these engines. " A comprehensive analysis allows us to quickly identify potential technical problems and develop solutions that the market will continue to need the most ," says Lampič . Explain that already in the development and planning take into account the many economic factors . One of their innovations reduces consumption of expensive magnetic materials , the second makes it easier to produce the active parts of the engine allows third combination with cheaper controller.

New spin-off company IJS
Now it's their second , already greatly improved prototype , just in the testing phase at the Ljubljana Faculty of Electrical Engineering . However, when the product is finally developed , Elaphe company plans to enter the automotive industry first with the production of engines for light vehicles , a broad intellectual property protection , strong international strategic partners and interesting demonstration projects . That is why the Detela and Lampič also created a spin-off company JSI - Elaphe company , which was adopted in the summer of Ljubljana Technology Park .

New vehicles on the market in ten years
Contemporary urban electric cars , primarily much less polluting and have a few better fuel efficiency , it is possible according to the current development trends in the automotive industry on the roads already expected in about five to ten years . " On the one hand, as scientists we want to help solve the current problems of mankind , one of them is definitely increasing environmental pollution . Our business objective is, of course , that the invention and thus the firm in cooperation with Slovenian companies implement a global industry. "

Detel invention already on the market
Andrej Detela is also the father of the electric motor development Kobayashi Delta Unit ( KDU ) , which was sent in the spring on the market the Japanese company Harmonic Drive Systems ( HDS ) and as we saw in Finance ago already written . HDS has previously purchased from JSI exclusive rights to all three patents to the invention is protected . KDU engine , which is used for direct drive robots and industrial automation , but at this time in the World Summit .

source :
Finance newspaper ( author: Andreja Basle , 17.10.2006 )